Local Refill Program

Launching June 2023, we are happy to launch our local refill program, available to Wawa and area residents (must be able to drop off bottles/jars for refill)!

The local refill program will run 3 times per year in June, October and February. keep an eye on our social media and sign up for our newsletter to receive announcements on what dates our refills are happening!

Why local refills? We'd love to have our products stocked in bulk at a (or many!) retail refillery shops, however until that happens, the next best option we can offer is a product refill program for our local customers!

Who is this program for? Local Wawa and area residents. You must be able to drop off your products containers and either pick them up or quality for free delivery.

What's the program about? The local refill program allows local customers the ability to refill product jars (with the same product although scent options can change!) 3 times per year. We believe this will help customers reuse their recyclable bottles and jars and save some costs while they continue to use their favourite Pearl & Moss products.

When does this happen? How is the program structured? The refill program will run 3 times per year: June, October and February. The refill program will open up for a one week period, during which you'll be able to purchase your product to be refilled online and drop off your corresponding bottles/jars. Following the one week purchase period, there will be a 2 - 3 week refill period during which we'll run production. We hope to be able to refill products faster than this but like to buffer our time frame "just in case".

How does it work? Here's a full breakdown of how the program operates!

- We offer refills on select products only. These products are listed on the local refill shopping page. Products will be listed as "sold out" until the refill period is open, at which point they will be available for purchase for one week, and will close again (marked as "sold out").

- Customers will select which products the would like to refill on their respective product pages (note: you may have previously purchased a specific scent variety, but this can be changed at refill. Example: You previously purchase a Cool ACV Hair Rinse and would like to refill with a Sunny ACV Hair Rinse. This is OK).

- After completing refill purchase online, customer will be required to drop off their product container at our production location (details in email sent following purchase) with their name on it by the end of the purchase period. If your container is not received by the end of the purchase (prior to production period), we will not refill your product. These deadlines help keep us on track and organized around the many other tasks we have happening simultaneously.

- ALL refills must use their corresponding product containers. We are not set up as a refill-specific retail location, so refills are not done based on weight in a customer-selected jar. Instead, we are refilling the jar/bottle the product came in. As a standard, we will not be reapplying labels. However, if you would like us to put a small label with your product name/scent, we can do so (please make a note in the comments section of the order checkout page, otherwise we will leave it unlabelled).

*NOTE: ALL PRODUCT CONTAINERS MUST BE WASHED (LABELS REMOVED) AND SANITIZED PRIOR TO DROP OFF. We will not be washing and sanitizing used bottles/jars. It is your responsibility to adequately wash your container and closures. Sanitization can easily be completed on glass containers by submerging them in boiling water (after being washed) for 10 minutes and allowed to fully dry. Our water-based formulas all contain ECOCert Verified preservatives, however, we will not be held liable for product instability if your container is not adequately sanitized prior to drop off. If your container is not adequately cleaned/sanitized, Pearl & Moss Botanicals has the ability to cancel/refund any orders that do not meet appropriate standards of cleanliness. By completing your refill order online, you are agreeing to the submission of properly clean/sterilized bottles/jars and the state of which it/they is/are returned to you upon being refilled.

- After your product refills are completed, we'll send you a completed order transaction with details on where to pick up, or local delivery date.

We look forward to being able to provide this service for our very wonderful, very loyal, very supportive local customers