Soap Loaves - Custom Orders

We are happy to be able to provide our customers with the option of purchasing full loaves of some of our discontinued (but much loved) soaps.

Each loaf contains 10 bars of soap, weighing 4.3 ounces each. Loaves vary in price (but still reflect a bulk discount) depending on specific costs of essential oils used:

Bergamot $75.00
Frankincense $70.00
Key Lime $70.00
Patchouli $120.00
Rosemary $75.00
Sweet Orange $70.00

If you have interest in purchasing a full loaf, please contact us directly at: with the subject line Custom Soap Loaf. Soap loaf supplies are ordered with each order processed and soap takes 6 - 8 weeks to cure. We ask that you please allow 8 - 12 weeks for orders to be ready for shipment.